Deliver highly targeted customers direct to your best landing pages.
Sometimes you stand out by being different, other times you make others take notice. Paid online media marketing can provide consistently high returns with the right approach. Investing in valuable online ads using a precisely targeted PPC campaign, for example, can give you an extra edge in a competitive e-commerce marketplace, with a quick and simple model that has traditionally been seen as a reliable online channel with a high ROI. In an unpredictable online marketing space, you can aggressively pursue growth with paid search, product ads or display advertising.
Every business is different; every “search market” has diverse demands and different possible outcomes. We can help you identify where your e-commerce ads should be focused.
In some cases, Pay Per Click optimisation is about improving what's already wokring – increase spend on AdWords or pay to optimise what you’re already spending on? But in many cases, optimisation is vital because your budget is being spent on bringing in traffic that isn’t converting to sales. If you’re asking yourself questions such as, “Am I actually getting a return on investment here?”, “Are people just clicking through and then leaving?”, “Why aren’t all these visitors buying anything?”, then you need to speak to us. We can help optimise your AdWords campaign, help target it more efficiently, and we can even identify which ads could cost less while simultaneously bringing greater returns.
Google provides a comprehensive portfolio of tools to help determine whether AdWords is working effectively for you. By delegating the management of your AdWords campaigns to Optimistics, you are able to utilise our experience and knowledge to quickly extract the essential data and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) you need to make important business decisions.
Searching for advice to increase your return on investment (ROI) on PPC can be confusing – a brief search unearths millions of results. Often the advice in one list contradicts the advice in another list, and often the advice isn’t appropriate, isn’t correct, or even up to date. It can be hard work trying to implement the advice, making changes to your site, your campaign and the complicated screens in Google AdWords campaign manager. We can do it all for you.
If time spent modifying your AdWords campaign is time taken away from core business needs, speak to us. If you need e-commerce Search Engine Marketing services and Pay Per Click management, Optimistics could deliver the return-on-investment you are looking for.